Friday, March 29, 2013

Dulce de toronja or Sweetened Grapefruit Shells

5-6 large white or red grapefruits with thick skin
2 cups of sugar
4 cups of water
1 cinnamon stick

Peel away the yellow or red zest of the grapefruit, keeping as much of the white skin as possible to keep the shell intact.

Once peeled, cut them in half, and then in quarters.  Remove the inside (you can make juice with this part).

Place the shells in a plastic bowl and cover with water.  Let them soak overnight.

The next day, drain the shells and discard the soaking water (you can squeeze them). 

Place the shells in a pot and cover with fresh water.  Cook over medium heat.  Bring to a boil and then discard the water.  Repeat the procedure two to three times.

The shells will turn translucent.

Remove from heat, drain and pat them between paper towels to remove excess water.

In the pot add 2 cups of sugar, 4 cups of water and a cinnamon stick and stir until dissolved.  Add the shells and cook over low-medium heat until the syrup thickens.

Allow the shells to cool at room temperature.  Transfer to a glass bowl and refrigerate.

Serve cold with edam or gouda cheese.

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